Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Equal Access to the Digital World!

What does it mean to provide equal access to the digital world? I believe that this means we are able to provide students with equal opportunities to learn and succeed. In today’s world technology is everywhere. Our phones, laptops, tablets and computers all provide us with the opportunity to learn. More and more teachers are handing out some homework that needs to be completed on the computer through and online program. I believe this trend is going to grow more so overtime.

There are many education based programs that are geared towards children and learning such as Edmodo, Brain Pop and Skillstutor.  Schools seem to be very eager to pick them up and everyday are incorporating them into classrooms and assigned homework lessons. These are all great learning tools but what if your child doesn’t have access to a computer at home? 

This is where it can be tricky. Most schools now have a computer lab or laptops that travel from class to class. Teachers need to help students that don’t have technology at home find time to do the assignments in school. It can be during down time, having some time put aside specifically to do this work or even before or after school.  After all, in the school walls is the best and for some the only place for a child to gain equal access to the digital world.

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